Past events


Seminari tenuti nel 2020

  1. 10/01/2020, Daniele D'Antonio (Sydney University), "AGNs and transients from Bologna to Sydney"
  2. 13/01/2020, Marco Marongiu (University of Ferrara), "Broadband modelling of relativistic explosions"
  3. 17/01/2020, Filippo D'ammando (INAF-IRA), "Blazar spectral variability as explained by a twisted inhomogeneous jet: the case of CTA 102"
  4. 20/01/2020, Gabriele Bruni (INAF - IAPS, Rome), "Probing radio restarting activity and duty cycle in high-energy selected giant radio galaxies"
  5. 24/01/2020, Valentina Missaglia (University of Torino), "WATCAT: a tale of wide-angle tailed radio galaxies."
  6. 31/01/2020, Mauro Nanni (INAF-IRA), "Nuovo sistema di gestione orario di lavoro"
  7. 14/02/2020, Giovanni Sabatini (University of Bologna / IRA-INAF), "Unraveling the chemical complexity of high-mass star-forming regions"
  8. 08/05/2020, Emilio Ceccotti (Universita' di Bologna/INAF-IRA), "Upper limits on the 21 cm power spectrum from the Epoch of Reionization"
  9. 15/05/2020, Roberto Ricci (INRiM/INAF-IRA), "A geodetic VLBI experiment with the dissemination of a common clock via coherent optical fibre link"
  10. 29/05/2020, Chiara Stuardi (University of Bologna / IRA-INAF), "Magnetic fields beyond galaxy clusters: a LOFAR polarization study of giant radio galaxies"
  11. 05/06/2020, Chris Riseley (University of Bologna), "All-sky results from the POlarised GLEAM Survey (POGS)"
  12. 06/07/2020, Hannah Stacey (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics), "The rocky road to quiescence: witnessing the compaction and quenching of quasar hosts at z~2"
  13. 24/09/2020, Gabriele Ponti (INAF-OAB), "Present and past activity at the Milky Way center"
  14. 29/09/2020, PhD students, "PhD seminars (see below)"
  15. 30/09/2020, PhD students, "PhD seminars (see below)"
  16. 01/10/2020, PhD students, "PhD seminars (see below)"
  17. 02/10/2020, Evgeniya Kravchenko & Giacomo principe (INAF-IRA), "Farewell talks"
  18. 08/10/2020, JAC - Rubén López-Coto (INFN-Padova), "Primordial Black Holes and other Transient events seen with Very-High-Energy Gamma-ray eyes""
  19. 09/10/2020, Andrea Bracco (Rudjer Boškovic Institute), "The multiphase and magnetized neutral hydrogen seen by LOFAR"
  20. 13/10/2020, PhD seminars, "(See below)"
  21. 14/10/2020, PhD seminars, "(See below)"
  22. 15/10/2020, PhD seminars, "(See Below)"
  23. 16/10/2020, Andrea Botteon (Leiden Observatory), "Results and prospects on galaxy clusters with LOFAR"
  24. 29/10/2020, Nicolas Martin (Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg), "What do the neighbors look like? A comparative look at the Milky Way and Andromeda dwarf galaxies"
  25. 30/10/2020, Florent Mertens (University of Groningen / Paris Observatory), "Observing the dark ages with LOFAR and NenuFAR"
  26. 06/11/2020, Henry Zovaro (Australian National University), "Resolving jet-driven feedback on sub-kpc scales"
  27. 12/11/2020, Massimo Meneghetti (INAF-OAS), "An excess of small scale strong lenses observed in galaxy clusters"
  28. 13/11/2020, Alessandro Paggi (INAF OATO), "A new multiwavelength census of blazars"
  29. 16/11/2020, Marta Spinelli (INAF OATS), "Measurements of the global 21 cm signal at z > 6: current status"
  30. 19/11/2020, Daniela Paoletti (INAF-OAS), "In the dark of night and in the light of dawn: combining probes to reconstruct the reionization history"
  31. 26/11/2020, Marco Regis (Universita' di Torino), "Particle dark matter and its radio signals"
  32. 27/11/2020, Francesco Santoro (MPIA, Heidelberg), "AGN-driven outflows: density matters!"
  33. 04/12/2020, European ARC (ALMA), "Imaging with the ALMA Pipeline"
  34. 10/12/2020, Elise Egron (INAF-OAC), "Investigating the mini and giant radio flares of the enigmatic microquasar Cygnus X-3"
  35. 11/12/2020, Kazi Rygl (INAF-IRA), "Report from the EVN Programme Committee 2020"
  36. 14/12/2020, Daniele Michilli (McGill University)), "Fast radio bursts: What they are, why we care"
  37. 16/12/2020, Anthony Brown (Leiden Observatory), "Gaia: Early Data Release3, mission status, and science highlights from the second data release"
  38. 17/12/2020, Mario Santos (University of Western Cape), "HI intensity mapping with MeerKAT"